Monday, December 23, 2019

Learning all I can!

Although we’ve had a few nice days to work on the rabbitry, life has gotten in the way! Getting ready for Christmas, attending various celebrations and gatherings, it’s not been conducive to get out there and add the braces needed before applying the wire.

Since yesterday was the first FULL day of winter, it’s time to get serious about the upcoming garden. Very timely I happened across the book, Beyond the Pellet, Feeding Rabbits Naturally, by Boyd Craven Jr. and Rick Worden. Just like I’ve done for the chickens, I intend on planting herbs and veggies the buns will enjoy.

Another “study book” I purchased is Bob Bennett’s 5th Edition of Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits. I’m wanting to have a few reference books on hand, not just rely on the internet for finding out information.

I have learn a lot from some youtube channels!

Two in particular have shared bucket loads of information! They each did a series on raising meat rabbits - from beginning to end! I’m very grateful to them both.

Good Simple Living


Living Traditions Homestead

Lots of reading and watching still to do! Whenever I find a recommendation such as a waterer, feeder, anything rabbits, I go to Amazon and put it on my wish list! Great organizing tool!

And, oh, by the way... I am leaning toward a mini Rex buck! And maybe New Zealand does. Still up in the air.


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about your "buns" when you get them!

    1. I'm so looking forward to having them Gail! You'll have to come over and see the first hand! And, the chickens!
